>Crankosaurus Rex

>The past few days have felt like a bad remake of those 80’s commercials about just saying no to drugs.  You know the ones:  “This is your brain.  This is your brain on drugs.” 

Well, today I was sure I could hear the narrator’s voice saying to me, “This is your toddler…”

“This is your toddler on no sleep, with hideously large molars coming in…”

It’s been a rough start to the week, folks.  Toddlers, you see, don’t get the memo that they can sleep in the extra hour.  That means that he just wakes up early in the morning or from his afternoon nap.  I’ve been putting him to bed just a bit early to try to ease into the time change, but the Crankosaurus has been rearing his angry head nonetheless.

The tantrums of the past two months are nothing compared to the shrieking, writhing monster my sweet boy has become.  Be glad that I don’t actually have a picture of it to post here.  It’s frightening to behold. 

We can only hope that the silence from his room now means that there will be a chubby-cheeked, smiling face to greet me in the morning and that the Crankosaurus will have gone into winter hibernation.

One Response to >Crankosaurus Rex
  1. Nell
    November 3, 2009 | 10:05 pm

    >Wish I had pearls of wisdom to ease the road for all of you. The best I can do is to advise that you buckle your seatbelt, divide the time with both parental units as much as possible, and know that it will pass. I know you know this, but maybe sticky note reminders will help you hold on. The freshly-bathed, drowsy child banks the smiles and withdraws the investment as he endures the teething and learns the boundaries. All benefits in the future. Hang in there and balance with self-time as you can (how are the reading moments coming along?)