>Truck, please

>Sebastian loves vehicles.  It took him a while to develop the obsession, but it appears to be here to stay.  He has a number of cars and trucks to entertain him (along with some circus animals on wheels), but last week he discovered the garbage truck.  Not a toy one.  The REAL THING.

It comes every week, but he was usually up and playing or eating breakfast.   Last week, though, he was just getting up when it came around.  He looked around and started signing “truck…garbage…TRUCK…GARBAGE!!!” until I put him up on his window seat to see it.  He watched it, fascinated, as it moved from house to house and then drove off.

He spent all of last week looking longingly at the window and signing, “truck…please?”

These are the moments when I wish I had amazing Magical Powers, so I could conjure a truck out of thin air.  And I just love Sebastian for believing I can.

One Response to >Truck, please
  1. Nell
    November 3, 2009 | 5:14 am

    >And the magic will continue – you still think I can do some tricks! The magic is in the relationship and it never goes away. Sebastian is right. His Mama and Daddy are amazing!