Category Archives: Uncategorized

>Hunkering down

>Three more days before I am full-time on my own with my two boys.  I know, you can’t believe I haven’t been on my own already by now, but we were lucky to have a lot of help and four full weeks of paternity leave from Microsoft.  So I’ve spent the last few months buying…

>Future posts

>Titles of posts I wish I had time to write: ~A new perspective~It’s ok to complain when things suck~What not to say: the sick child edition~Back to toddler school~To Montessori or not to Montessori~When Daddy is home~Sleeping with a bear cub~Hanging onto my career by a thread~Smiley faces and gold stars unite~The carpet wreckers~Endless laundry~Ode…


>…of the Photographer as a Young Man: {subtitled:  Sebastian Entertains Himself with BlackBerry While Mama Feeds Theo.}

A conversation

>Me:  This doesn’t make sense. God:  I get that a lot. Me:  And? God:  It makes sense to me. Me:  I’m not finding that helpful at the moment.  How do these terrible things happen to people?  Why do they happen to small children? God:  It would take me a really long time to explain every part…

1000 steps

>1.  One o’clock in the morning.  The baby is fed, changed, swaddled, and ready to go back to bed.  Now to start the orbit around the kitchen island, employing that bouncy gait guaranteed to lull a newborn to sleep.  I begin counting my steps.  I can make it to 1000, I tell myself, before I…