>Hunkering down

>Three more days before I am full-time on my own with my two boys.  I know, you can’t believe I haven’t been on my own already by now, but we were lucky to have a lot of help and four full weeks of paternity leave from Microsoft.  So I’ve spent the last few months buying too much stuff and getting ready to spend A LOT of time at home while someone or the other is napping.  Here’s what we now have:

In the backyard:
*a mini-picnic table
*a climber with two slides
*a sand box with a ton of digging and sifting toys
*a water table
*a tricycle (ok, this is in the garage)
*8 front steps, which are apparently far more interesting to Sebastian than any of the above.  Sigh.

In the house (for SP):
*practically every category of toy imaginable, including…
*a bed, highchair, and stroller for “Sebastian’s baby” who is otherwise nameless
*a mini-kitchen, shopping cart, and tons of fake food
*at least 2 of every vehicle you can think of
*tool box
* building blocks/Legos/Lincoln logs
*a dollhouse complete with baby, who always seems to need a “quick change” or a nap
*a box full of “noisy toys” that will soon be the bane of my existence
*so many books I think we could have our own children’s library
*a snack table that doubles as an art table, with many, many (washable) art supplies
*two dice that are apparently far more enticing to Sebastian than any of the above.  Double sigh.

In the house (for Theo):
*bouncy seat
*mobile attached to crib
*aquarium (coming soon to a crib near us)
*Bumbo and Jumperoo waiting in the wings for the next month or two!
*Mama’s arms, which are far more comforting than any of the above.  Bittersweet sigh.

In the house (for Mama):
*the nook so I can read books one-handed, along with fancy nightlight so I can read while someone falls asleep at 4 in the morning
*the Wii so I can work out with Wii Active, courtesy of EA Sports.  (Stop laughing.  I’ll start doing it eventually.)
*Netflix that I can stream over the laptop or aforementioned Wii
*and this fabulousness, which anyone who has ever had two small children in cloth diapers will instantly understand is almost as exciting as any of the above.

Sigh of relief.

I think we’re ready for fall.

2 Responses to >Hunkering down
  1. Nell
    September 19, 2010 | 3:47 pm

    >Bring it on! You can do it (and reinforcements are [pretty] near if you need a break! Miss all six of you!

  2. MommyBrain
    September 20, 2010 | 6:50 pm

    >And you must remember that a walk next door for an hour of hanging out with two very cute little girls is always an option! I usually have muffins on hand, too :)P.S. Your new laundry facilities are fabulous!