Category Archives: Theo

(Un)Solved Mystery

>So your four-month-old who previously slept consistently all night with the exception of one or two quick feedings suddenly starts waking up every hour and a half.  What’s wrong?  What do you do? I think you probably have some immediate ideas and suggestions.  If you don’t find yours below, feel free to email me or…

>A little note

>Dear Theo, Clearly you already have a sense of humor, what with following up your stellar sleeping through the night routine with a three-day (and counting) growth spurt.  Eating every hour and a half or two hours, even through the night, is exhausting us both.  Seriously, baby bear, you are 14 pounds already.  I think…

>The difference sleep makes

>It’s been said before, and it will be said again many times before my children are grown and gone: Sleep makes all the difference. Ok, maybe not ALL the difference.  But a huge difference. First of all, when the kids don’t sleep well, I don’t sleep well.  When they don’t nap, I don’t get things…

>The first day

>Yesterday wasn’t the first day that I’d ever spent alone with the boys, but the first in a long time.  They rose to the challenge by refusing to take any afternoon naps, which resulted in there being not one minute for about 10 hours in which I didn’t have to deal with one boy or…

>Yes, they are brothers

>Two years… things change, things stay the same… Sebastian yawning, Sept. 2008 Theo yawning, Sept 2010 Sebastian’s tummy time, 2008 Theo’s tummy time, Sept. 2010 Sebastian’s smile, Sept 2008 Theo’s smile, Sept. 2010 Conclusions:*The playmat is a big hit….*…except when it’s time for nap.*Two more pounds makes for a noticeably chubbier baby.*These boys have smiles…