>A little note

>Dear Theo,

Clearly you already have a sense of humor, what with following up your stellar sleeping through the night routine with a three-day (and counting) growth spurt.  Eating every hour and a half or two hours, even through the night, is exhausting us both.  Seriously, baby bear, you are 14 pounds already.  I think you can just hang out at this size for a while.  Let’s enjoy the fall clothes before you outgrow them because everything in the next size up is for winter, buddy.  Also, my back is killing me and I could use another month or so to get those muscles geared up for carrying around a bigger baby.

So, yeah.  Enough with the constant eating.  The Dairy Queen needs a night off.

Much love,
the mama

3 Responses to >A little note
  1. Nell
    October 5, 2010 | 5:38 pm

    >No complaining until you've experienced feeding two teens on swim teams 🙂 Okay, maybe a little complaining because at least you didn't wake me up in the night to fix your snacks…and for that, I thank you. the grand-mama

  2. Lori
    October 6, 2010 | 6:10 pm

    >Wow–14 lbs?? Nico just got to 16.5 lbs., but he is twice as old as Theo! Now I know why my mother kept the chiropractor in business-heh, heh!

  3. Logan Christopher
    October 8, 2010 | 8:46 pm

    >There is no mercy for a mother. L just hit 30" and 26 lbs. And he still loves to be carried around between the hours of 4pm and 7pm at night. We are also keeping our local chiropractors in business.