>This time

>This time…

I won’t

  • be afraid of dropping my newborn the first time I give him or her a bath.
  • wait to use the great swaddle blankets that allow a newborn to sleep for longer stretches.
  • cry if I have to supplement with formula.
  • be jealous of moms with “easy” babies, because now I know how to deal with a tough cookie and still love him as fiercely as if he’d been a breeze.
  • think that difficult phases will last forever.
  • take on every night shift for almost a year.
  • worry that I’ll never get my body, brains, or self back.

This time…

I will

  • avoid the going back to work battle when my baby is four months old, and be truly ready when the time comes to reenter my career.
  • enjoy as many moments as I can in which I get to just stare at this new little person, even if those moments come when I am exhausted in the middle of the night.
  • get out of the house more often in the first few months, or at least invite more people over.
  • watch as my babies adjust to each other, solve conflicts, and learn to love each other.
  • learn new lessons because this little one is already teaching me that every child is unique.
  • remember that “the days are long, but the years are short.”
4 Responses to >This time
  1. Nell
    July 5, 2010 | 11:51 pm

    >Hurray for children and how much they teach us…even when they are 31 🙂

  2. MommyBrain
    July 6, 2010 | 1:48 am

    >It is different the second time around. Experience and knowledge are on your side – love your first point about bath-time and dropping on head! Handling the baby is the least of your concerns; now you get to figure out how best to logistically get two little people (and yourself) to a set location … upstairs, to the backyard, or out of house! I promise you'll get it all figured out 🙂 And, of course, we have experienced firsthand just how quickly they grow, so cherishing every moment becomes a top priority! I am only a phone call – or heck, even a holler – away! My two would love to play with your two 🙂

  3. Megan
    July 6, 2010 | 6:57 am

    >Awesome! It is so true! All of it. I remember being 100% stress case with Seren. It didn't help that I'm type A, she was my first and she was a preemie. Ugh. What a mess. With Wyeth, even at 2 am, 3 am, I would just sit there and look at his face. My first night in the hospital, I held him in my arms the whole time. You'll love all of the sweet moments all over again. Enjoy these last days of the bump too. GREAT post.

  4. a-julie
    July 7, 2010 | 5:03 am

    >I love your post! It's great reliving thoughts and memories through you! Remember – breathing is good, hyperventalating – not so much! Your on my mind daily hoping to hear great news soon! Love you -Aunt Julie