>What is it about trains?

>There is something magical about trains.  I don’t quite understand it, even if I can feel it.  My almost-two-year old has train fever, too, memorizing books like Chugga Chugga Choo Choo and Hey, Mr. Choo Choo, not to mention the dully-titled but wonderful Trains by Byron Barton.

Since the daddy loves to play with SP’s train set with him and build cool layouts for him to try, I leapt at the chance offered by my friend to reserve tickets on the Mount Rainier Scenic Railroad for Father’s Day.  It was rainy and cool, and therefore not as scenic as one would hope, but we had a great time anyway.

This is my first time making a Picasa collage!  Click on it to see it larger.

*Yes, I know he looks like a GAP ad.  It’s a little embarrassing, but a) the hoodie is so soft and wonderful I could not resist it and b) his buddy B is wearing one, too.  And we all know that being like everyone else makes it all right.

One Response to >What is it about trains?
  1. anymommy
    June 22, 2010 | 9:39 pm

    >I adore trains. The whole plot of my cheesy, never to be finished romance novel is set on a train to California in the 1800s. (Gap kids' clothes are awesome.)