>Bye bye, doctor

>Monday morning Sebastian and I donned our raincoats and headed out for the exciting adventure of… going to the doctor!  Ok, not so exciting.  Though I love to hear official pronouncement that he’s healthy, I hate when he has to get shots.  I was feeling especially sad for him since I had gotten two flu shots a couple of days before and my arm (only one of them, curiously) was still sore.

But anyway, the stats for the grandparents:
He weighed in at 29 pounds 1 ounce.  This shocked me, as I was sure he’d have tipped 30 pounds by now.  Apparently he, unlike others who shall remain nameless, did not gain weight over the holidays.  Ahem.

He stands 33 1/4 inches tall, but he was squirming and screaming, so I’m not sure how accurate that measurement was.  Also the nurse asked me to help with it, and when your child is squirming and screaming, you have a tendency to just try to finish the task, not be perfect about it.

His head is a whopping 49 cm around, but that figure is more or less meaningless to me beyond making me grateful I didn’t have to deliver a baby with that size head 18 months ago.

All the stats were around the 75th percentile.  So there you have it.  Big, healthy boy.  Yay!

Dr. Schrier pronounced him to be healthy with excellent language development.  She was kind enough to say this because he talked to me constantly throughout the appointment.  In response to HER, he shrieked his head off and acted like she was torturing him instead of offering him a tongue depressor toy or listening to his heart and lungs.  Ah well, he did cheerfully call out, “Bye-bye, doctor!” when she left.

He then spent all of lunch – the time in which I was saying, “Dr. Schrier is NICE,” in hopes of making our next visit more pleasant – saying, “Bye-bye, Doctor Schrier!!”  Oh well, at least he can say her name now, right?

Life with this little guy is rarely dull.

One Response to >Bye bye, doctor
  1. Nell
    January 13, 2010 | 12:16 pm

    >Neither was it with his mother (or uncle or auntie). I've compensated by recalling those memories now that it is too quiet without all of you. You will love re-reading all of these in the days/months/years after he goes out into the world. You've been more than accommodating by adding memories all the time. Thanks so much!