Popcorn Days

Yes, I’m still here…just never on my computer.  You see, there is almost no time whatsoever from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. when both boys are actually asleep.  Most days I get about 40 minutes, in which I run around like a madwoman trying to finish at least one household chore and one Must Do item on my task list.

But not all breakless days are created equal.

Some days neither boy takes a decent nap.  Theo wakes up after 40 minutes all three (or four) times I put him down.  Sebastian is up after an hour or so.  They are cranky and overtired and by the end of the day I want to run screaming into the night.

And then there are Popcorn Days.

These are the days in which they sleep on completely opposite schedules.  One goes down within five minutes or so of the other waking up.  When that one finally goes down, the other wakes up.  Repeat all day… one up, one down.

But Popcorn Days – though still tiring – are also wonderful.  I have each boy to myself for a chunk of time.  I can laugh and sing songs with Sebastian.  I can coax an almost-giggle out of Theo.  And neither one is overtired.  They are at their best, even if I’m not quite.

Popcorn Days remind me how much fun each stage of childhood is.  I’m not wishing Theo could just sit and play by himself while I feed Sebastian, nor wishing Sebastian would STOP SINGING FOR TWO FREAKING SECONDS so it’s quiet enough for me to put Theo down for his nap.

Instead, I am reveling in the wonder of wherever each boy is and how lucky I am to be a part of his life.

There are wonderful moments on other days when they are both awake and Sebastian kisses Theo on the head and is rewarded with a big, gummy smile.

But Popcorn Days are the best.

(Until the day when they both sleep for two hours in the afternoon at the same time, of course.  Is that day ever coming??  Please let me believe in it for a while longer.)

4 Responses to Popcorn Days
  1. Lori
    October 14, 2010 | 1:56 pm

    >Oh gosh, you are lucky to have popcorn days–I remember when the twins were awake together and not always sleeping at the same time. Weird, huh?There were actually times when one could sleep through the other's cries—in the same crib! It is good that each boy has your "undivided" attention on popcorn days, though. Still, more sleep/rest for the Mama Bear would be nice, wouldn't it?

  2. Nell
    October 14, 2010 | 9:43 pm

    >Great title; looking forward to something more somnolent, like the siesta salsa. Heading there myself, none too soon!

  3. Baby Sweetness
    October 20, 2010 | 6:36 am

    >I love that title for it – perfect! Though we have only one little one, she is not a great napper. She'll pretty much only fall alseep in the car (though she sleeps great at night, so I don't think I can complain much). But those days I actually get her to nap where I can accomplish something (and not sit trying to half sleep in the front seat) or get a rest myself – ah heaven!

  4. Shortchanged? | Team Rasler
    June 16, 2011 | 7:20 pm

    […] ME than Sebastian or Theo.  I got less sleep, I had less time to eat, I was grumpy about it.  On popcorn days especially, the children got as much attention as they could want, but I got very little rest or […]