Home Alone

It’s Monday, so you know what that means: Listicles time! The topic this week is things/people/services that makes our lives easier, so let me just start with my #1:  My parents. They took my kids back to their house for the first-ever weekend away from us.  My husband went back to Toronto for a bachelor…

The wish

Life with small children can move so fast, that it’s now a pretty regular occurrence that I’ve forgotten what it was like even three months ago. That’s one reason why I blog: to chronicle what’s happening so it doesn’t just blur by.  I don’t want to wake up when they’re leaving for college and not…

Of boys and haircuts and lollipops

One of the biggest challenges about having two kids (aside from, you know, taking care of two small people as opposed to one) is not comparing them. As you live through it the second time around, you are inevitably pulled back to the first time.  Then you (and by you, I mean me) start trying…

A little help from my friends?

I have a favor to ask of you. I’ve been doing some thinking about this little corner of the blogosphere – why I started it, what I get out of it, where it’s going – and the more I thought about myself, the more it led me to think about you. I realized that I…

Oh, to be a kid again

It’s Monday, which means it’s list-making time again!  I missed last week due to crazy, overwhelming amounts of work.  This week should be a lot somewhat a tiny bit less stressful, so here I am. This week’s theme is 10 Reasons it’s Great to be a Kid, a.k.a. You Think You Have it Tough, Buddy?…