>Why I hate Fridays

>I used to love Fridays. And I still love Friday night.  But Fridays themselves?  HATE them. By Friday, I have run out of steam.  I am tired of changing diapers, making toddler-friendly meals that get rejected, thinking of new games and songs or answering requests for the same ones for the thousandth time, doing all…

>Goodbye, primary colors

>In trying to do major reorganization of our house between now and when a new little person should arrive in July, I’ve been spending a lot of time just sitting and looking and thinking.  Trying to figure out what is an eyesore, what is too crowded, what is inconvenient, and so on.  It seemed wise…


>So as of right now, Sebastian is obviously an only child.  He had a time last year when he had a best friend who was with him 5 days a week, but since I took leave from work, he’s back to being Numero Uno.  He is also more the quiet, observant type when we’re out…

>Of straws and shakes

>As small children are wont to do, Sebastian is learning new tricks all the time.  Some of them are more entertaining than others.  For example, I could do without his latest skill of transforming into the Snot Monster and requiring me to remove the excess green stuff from his face every five minutes.  (Side note: …

>Supah’s Book Club

> It’s Monday again, and this week’s theme is one of my favorite topics – books!  I am supposed to imagine I’m being interviewed by Oprah Supah about my book-reading life.  Here goes! What are you currently reading?Just finished rereading A Wrinkle in Time for my Newbery project.  Before that I read all of the…