The other side of the mirror

Have a good rest. Don’t forget, Daddy will be here when you wake up. I’ll see you in a little while. Love you. I closed the door and walked quickly into my room. Thirty minutes. I plugged in the curling iron and began scanning the closet for something comfortable, yet professional. Picked a simple blue…

Turns out I’ll do almost anything for chocolate

I tried everything. Begging, pleading, sticker charts, gold stars, making it public, ignoring it and hoping it would get better. No, I’m not talking about toilet training (although that turned out to have the same solution, I’m afraid).  No, what I’m talking about getting all my chores done every day. It’s not like I was…

Goodnight Mood

Goodnight Mood* In the big beige room There was a rocking chair And a kangaroo And the entrance of — A boy with a bad attitude And there were three unread books and two angry looks And one crying brother And a frustrated mother And a noisy timeout And a definite pout And a shove…

Figuring out the in-law thing

The realization washed over me while I was still in the hospital after my second son was born. Someday, it will happen. I will become the mother-in-law. I don’t know how it is in other cultures, but in mine – white, middle-class, suburban America – so often, her mother is the mom and his is…


I did it. I’ve set a lot of goals over the years.  At first they were goals that society set for me, like graduating from college, getting a job, following the beaten path.  And I did it with gusto.  The beaten path was leading me where I wanted to go and I was clicking along,…