Category Archives: Uncategorized

>The little things

>I’ve mentioned before that I prefer big overhauls in my life when something needs fixing.  I don’t want to just put things away in my room; I want to empty the entire room, go through it bit by bit, rearrange all the furniture, and put the stuff I’m keeping back in some newly organized fashion….

>The Narrator

>I was such an avid reader as a child that I would occasionally make up stories in my head based on what was happening in my life.  You know those moments, when you are able to kind of step back mentally and observe/comment on the “scene” you’re in.  I’d be riding the bus, and there…

Boys will be boys

Well, what’s the answer?  Are boys and girls, men and women, really different?  Do they develop differently, play differently, learn differently?  The nature-nurture debate is one that has fascinated me for a long time, and it has come up in a personal way at regular intervals throughout my life. As a teacher, I am still…

>Riding along

>It’s amazing how many things we let our children do, even though it terrifies us.  For example, we encourage them to learn to walk, even though they are a lot closer to the ground when crawling and in far less danger of hitting their heads on every sharp corner we never saw when we were…


>For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a needle phobia. And I’m trying not to freak out about tomorrow. I cannot watch people getting shots on television, and you can imagine that ER was never my favorite show.  I refused the standard IV when I was in labor.  I’m fine with blood and…