Category Archives: Uncategorized

>Friends and Family

>To move or not to move, that was the question my husband and I were mulling over one night not long ago.  We live far, far away from where I grew up and where the majority of my family still resides.  Home, sweet Michigan.  When we moved to Washington (thank you, Microsoft), we had a…


>I’ve been trying to declutter my life, and realized after several consecutive nights of insomnia that it might be wise to begin with my brain. How does one declutter a brain? Meditation? Perhaps. I’ve never been very good at meditating, which is obvious because one needs a decluttered mind in order to be good at…

The Lightning Thief

No, The Lightning Thief is not a Newbery winner, but it was so good that I felt it deserved a review here anyway. This book is now my new favorite read-aloud book. It has action designed to hook you right from the start, engaging characters, hilarious dialogue, and a brilliant irreverence for the characters of…

Rifles for Watie (1958)

My rating: 4/5 stars Finished reading Rifles for Watie a couple days ago. It is about a boy from Kansas who joins up with the Union army because he and his family want the Kansas territory’s slavery status to be determined by the settlers, not by people crossing over from Missouri to stuff the ballots….

A New Beginning

>I’m not sure whether I’ll do much with this blog at this point, but I wanted to reserve the name for future use. For now I’ll continue to work with our Shutterfly site to give updates about our family, and may return to this once I’ve accomplished some other goals.