Category Archives: Rasler


Trying to explain what St. Patrick’s Day is all about to my three-year-old left us both more than a little confused. I have clearly failed in my parental duty to read lots of fables and fantasy stories to him, because he had no idea what a leprechaun was, though rainbow and gold were perfectly clear….

Take out the trash day

I’m almost famous today!  I didn’t quite come up with the idea for Stasha’s Monday Listicles for this week, but I did suggest it after reading this one of Jessica’s posts from My Time as Mom.  So yeah, almost famous.  I’ll take it! The idea is to confess 10 Things I’m Rubbish At, so here…

Discipline dilemmas

We sat on the living room floor together, pulling the play kitchen utensils out of their box.  I named each one as Theo picked it up. Spatula.  Whisk.  Tongs.  Ladle. “That one’s for soup, like we just had for lunch,” I told him.  His eyes lit up, and then, without warning, he leaned over and…

The miracle

A miracle happened at my house this week.  It isn’t the sort that will bestow sainthood on anyone, but it is just slightly shy of utterly life-changing. It started with this book.  My dear friends sent it to us for Christmas, and wow, do they ever know us.  The book is called Switch: How to…


There isn’t much about myself or my life that I wouldn’t share with others. Or rather, it mostly falls into either the “I’d tell this to anyone” category or the “I’d embarrass someone else by putting this on my blog” category. There’s not a huge amount in between. So when I was pleasantly surprised by…