Category Archives: Rasler


Stress is carrying around an extra weight everywhere I go. It’s a backpack that keeps refilling, no matter how diligently I try each day to lighten its load. Stress is not being able to pay attention to what someone is telling me because I’m still thinking about what I’m supposed to be doing next and…

So much to say

I miss writing.  Reading is my true love, and it fills me up.  It gets me thinking and wondering and wanting to discuss, which is why my husband is probably relieved that my new neighbors welcomed me into their book club.  He likes to sleep.  I like to talk about my books. Writing is different.  Instead…

The realization

The teacher’s spring is in September, not April.  Everything is both new and familiar, with a chance for a fresh start each time. Back in April, the year was setting on my job as the gifted teacher.  I’d gone around and around in my head and with various others trying to determine what I’d be…

Do we dare?

Take a moment and finish this sentence:  Vulnerability is _______________. Maybe your answers look like some of mine: Vulnerability is… ~admitting I’ve made a mistake. ~hitting publish on a post. ~inviting people to my house. ~taking my children in public. ~when my children are sick, hurt, or afraid. ~admitting that someone has hurt my feelings….

How I make political decisions

As many people do, I tend to avoid political topics both here and on my social media pages.  It isn’t because I’m afraid of offending people, though.  It’s mostly because I get incredibly passionate about the subject and I end up going on and on and on, and I get discouraged when it feels like…