I did it. I’ve set a lot of goals over the years. At first they were goals that society set for me, like graduating from college, getting a job, following the beaten path. And I did it with gusto. The beaten path was leading me where I wanted to go and I was clicking along,…
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>In case you are wondering what on earth I’m trying to accomplish every day, here goes: 1. Workout. I tend to put this off until later in the day, because the pregnancy workout videos are pretty lame, and going for a walk with Sebastian in the stroller up and down the hills in our neighborhood…
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>I had to start over with my New Year’s resolutions. If you don’t know what I mean, you may want to start here. I was up to about day 18 when I came to a halt. It was for a very good reason, which was that my mom came out to visit and I turned…
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>After doing some thinking, looking over my resolutions, and reading some helpful comments, I think I’m going to combine my categories of resolutions so that I go from 8 to 5. Five seems manageable. You can count them on one hand, and being able to do things with one hand is no small feat when…
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>My happiness project has stalled out a bit, and I’m trying to take another look and see what’s working and what isn’t. Working on so many different resolutions is definitely not working. I have a hard time just deciding on one thing to do each month. By that logic, I thought I’d never get to…
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