Category Archives: favorites

The minor milestones

I originally wrote this as a Facebook note, back when I was new to both FB and to blogging.  Now, two and a half years later, I keep thinking back to it as I watch Theo attain each one of these.  So here it is again, with some updates in honor of the little man….

Guilty Pleasures

We’ve all got ’em.  Those things we do even though we know we should be tackling a To Do list or vacuuming or paying attention to the kids or whatever. But all work and no play leaves this mama in an exhausted heap on the floor by Wednesday, so here are a few things I…

>A few of our favorite things

>As I watched Sebastian play with his “laptop” yesterday for a half hour while I folded and put away laundry, I began thinking of which wonderful items have been or are our favorites. Knowing many other parents out there, I thought it would be fun to begin a list that might help people with kids…