Author Archives: Jessica@Team Rasler

Our winter wonderland

What is it about us that we can avoid laundry, dishes, bills, and work like the plague, but lose ourselves for hours trying to master a new technology? That was me this weekend, attempting to figure out how to use iMovie for the first time.  I started small, making a short 60 second video for…

I’ll never…

Do you remember that drinking game “I Never”? If you went to college, you probably know it, but just in case, here’s how to play. Everyone takes a turn starting a sentence with, “I never…” which usually comes out “I’ve never…” but anyway. If you have done the thing mentioned, you take a drink. Sentences…

The miracle

A miracle happened at my house this week.  It isn’t the sort that will bestow sainthood on anyone, but it is just slightly shy of utterly life-changing. It started with this book.  My dear friends sent it to us for Christmas, and wow, do they ever know us.  The book is called Switch: How to…

The minor milestones

I originally wrote this as a Facebook note, back when I was new to both FB and to blogging.  Now, two and a half years later, I keep thinking back to it as I watch Theo attain each one of these.  So here it is again, with some updates in honor of the little man….

One little resolution

Toys.  Books.  Laundry.  Dishes.  Papers.  Shoes.  Hats.  Mittens.  Groceries. Something always needs to be put away. All day long, moment after moment, I am returning something to its rightful place. But more often than not, I am piling something else in the meanwhile.  Something that has no rightful place yet.  Something that needs to be…