Author Archives: Jessica@Team Rasler

>Life lessons

>Sebastian and I took a trip to the Great White North this week (and by that we mean to Canada, a whole two hours away) to spend some time with Auntie Gina and Xavier.  It turned out to be the Boot Camp of social learning.  Every five to ten minutes sounded something like this. Me: …

>A Sneak Preview

>Though it hasn’t been that long, it’s amazing how much I’ve already forgotten about life with an infant.  We were fortunate to get a reminder and a preview a few weekends ago when our friends came to visit with their adorable three-month-old son.  First, I remembered that those very young infants don’t do much yet. …

>Mission: Accomplished

>It’s been one crazy month.  And by that I mean wonderful, highly productive, and exhausting.  There are plenty of stories, but my laptop battery is going to die (and I shouldn’t be up at 4:30 anyway), so I’m just going to make a retrospective list of items checked off my To Do list.  Woohoo! ~Cleared…

>Fancy technology

>Technology is amazing.  Now we can see our little munchkin before he or she is born, each chamber of the heart, each bone in the tiny arms, each finger and toe wiggling around.  We have three-dimensional pictures, a DVD of the whole ultrasound, and we can share the photos with all of you in a…


>Childhood fears.  Every kid is going to have them.  You figure that there are lots of normal ones, like fears of strangers, the dark, monsters under the bed, that sort of thing.  You also think that as a parent you are more or less prepared for those with strategies like easing into leaving your child…