Author Archives: Jessica@Team Rasler


>…of the Photographer as a Young Man: {subtitled:  Sebastian Entertains Himself with BlackBerry While Mama Feeds Theo.}

A conversation

>Me:  This doesn’t make sense. God:  I get that a lot. Me:  And? God:  It makes sense to me. Me:  I’m not finding that helpful at the moment.  How do these terrible things happen to people?  Why do they happen to small children? God:  It would take me a really long time to explain every part…

1000 steps

>1.  One o’clock in the morning.  The baby is fed, changed, swaddled, and ready to go back to bed.  Now to start the orbit around the kitchen island, employing that bouncy gait guaranteed to lull a newborn to sleep.  I begin counting my steps.  I can make it to 1000, I tell myself, before I…


>I’m working on writing out Theo’s birth story, but lest anyone think we fell off the planet, here are some tidbits: How are you?I’m as fine as you can be when sleeping two hours together feels like a lot. How’s the recovery going?Way, way better than I expected and more slowly than I’d like.  I’m…

>What’s in a name?

>Well, I’m finally returning to the land of the living after a week and a half.  Many people have asked about the c-section experience (compared to the first), how my recovery is going, what it’s like having a newborn again, how Sebastian is handling it all, etc.  Sounds like I need to do a FAQ…