Category Archives: posts that are too long for everyone but me

Figuring out the in-law thing

The realization washed over me while I was still in the hospital after my second son was born. Someday, it will happen. I will become the mother-in-law. I don’t know how it is in other cultures, but in mine – white, middle-class, suburban America – so often, her mother is the mom and his is…


I did it. I’ve set a lot of goals over the years.  At first they were goals that society set for me, like graduating from college, getting a job, following the beaten path.  And I did it with gusto.  The beaten path was leading me where I wanted to go and I was clicking along,…

Our story: the next chapter

It’s really strange to know for certain that your child will be born the next day. After weeks of hoping we could get this baby to flip or wondering if I’d go into labor on my own, it became clear the night of July 9th that one way or another, the baby was going to…

Our story

Two years ago. It seems like it could have been yesterday.  Or something more like ten years. I was sitting in the rocking chair in Sebastian’s room.  It was about 10:30 p.m. on July 7th.  I had told Jonathan that I was going to sit up and read until this round of contractions had passed…