Category Archives: excuses

To my friends

Dear blogging friends: I used to get frustrated with my husband for not answering his emails in a timely manner. He told me that after staring at computer screens all day, it was close to the last thing he wanted to do at home. Finding him on Reddit night after night, I didn’t believe him….


Every evening I have high hopes for the upcoming day. I’ll have a better attitude. I’ll be super efficient. I’ll make better choices. Yesterday was no different. Except, as it usually does, life interfered with my high hopes. ——– Instead of getting a full night’s sleep, I spent most of the night beside my son…

Turns out I’ll do almost anything for chocolate

I tried everything. Begging, pleading, sticker charts, gold stars, making it public, ignoring it and hoping it would get better. No, I’m not talking about toilet training (although that turned out to have the same solution, I’m afraid).  No, what I’m talking about getting all my chores done every day. It’s not like I was…

A lot going on

It’s been busy, as you already inferred from the conspicuous lack of posting I’ve done.  Snapshot of the past two weeks: Visit from my grandparents: Daddy’s birthday: Our new niece’s first visit to our house: Cousins playing and running and laughing and trying their mamas’ patience and being adorable: Visiting the Ben & Jerry’s Scoop…