Category Archives: books

The Giver

My rating: 5/5 stars What would it be like if we could eliminate confusion, chaos, unpredictability, hunger, and even enormous snowstorms?  It would be like the world in Lois Lowry’s amazing book The Giver. I like to skip around in my Newbery list every so often because sometimes I get bogged down with the older…

The Magic Room

It’s a well-known secret of happiness to think about what you love to do and then figure out a way to get someone to pay you to do it.  I always scoffed at such advice, for who would ever pay to me to lie around in my pajamas all day and read?  But it’s finally happening,…

Our picture book shelves

Fridays are good days to look back and reflect, so I’ve decided that will be the day I write my book reviews.  Since this week I’m mostly reflecting on how I got nowhere in my Newbery project because I was too busy reading the entire Hunger Games trilogy, I decided to answer a question by…

Why I can’t read novels these days

Now I remember. I went to Costco on Thursday night to pick up a few things we needed.  Cheerios, bread, you know, stuff like that.  But the kids weren’t with me, so I found myself happily wandering, checking out stuff that I normally keep grabby fingers away from.  Ahh…books.  With regular pages and no rhymes….

My first library corner

Every couple of weeks, I ask myself the same question:  Will I ever get to just wander the library and pick out really great books? And the answer typically comes within three minutes:  Not today. The toddler pulls books off the shelf with gleeful abandon while the preschooler plucks them one at a time, looks…