
>It doesn’t seem that special.  It’s not the age at which you’re legally allowed to do anything for the first time.  It’s not a multiple of ten or five that lets you celebrate a new decade or being halfway through.  My husband pointed out that it’s two to the fifth power.  My stepfather wished me happy 10,000.  They are both computer programmers of one sort or another, so they’ll forgive me if I didn’t see the interest of the number the way they do.


I don’t know where I thought I’d be by now, but it wasn’t here.

Here.  In Washington, so freaking far from most of my family.

Here.  At home, alone with two boys, thanking my lucky stars that they are taking their afternoon naps at the same time.

Here.  On leave from a career I’m still unsure of.

I thought by now I’d have met more of my life goals.  I thought I’d HAVE more life goals.  I keep looking around, wondering what I’m doing here and where There is going to be.

Birthdays are different now.  I didn’t want any particular thing.  I just wanted some sleep, a happy birthday from my guys, and a little time to think about my life.  I got all three, along with a brownie that Sebastian sprinkled for me with leftover sprinkles from his birthday.  The time to myself came as I sat, eyes closed softly, while a lovely lady at the hair salon washed, cut, and dried my hair.  I couldn’t believe how relaxing it was, a testament to how hectic most of my other moments are now.

But I still don’t know what I think about my life.  I feel lost, awash in the everyday-ness of it all, unable to look beyond Tomorrow or maybe Next Week.  I read and am impressed by so many people in real life and in the world out there… people who are making a difference, pursuing their dreams, starting new careers or side projects, creating beauty and order… and I feel… flat.  How can I fail to be inspired by these amazing examples all around me?  Instead I feel embarrassed that I am just sitting here, self-indulgent as I type in this blog instead of finding my passion and running away with it.

I’ve told myself many times that my children are my passion right now.  Spending these early years with them is important, to me and to them.  It’s true and yet I have a hole where something else belongs.  Something that is uniquely me; something that is a purpose.  I just haven’t found it yet.

Thirty-two was never a particularly special number to me, but maybe it’s the bend in the road.  Maybe the rest of my life is waiting around this corner.  I guess that’s what I’m about to find out.

3 Responses to >Thirty-two
  1. Lori
    October 25, 2010 | 4:16 pm

    >Oh..my..gosh!! You aren't seeing the whole picture, sweetie. Right now, you are managing a blog site that you created..you are sharing experiences that others will relate to on varying levels (which instills camaraderie and calm)..you are knee, no nose-deep in a very demanding job of mothering/shaping two boy's lives..you are growing a marital relationship through the most challenging time a marriage endures..you have provided yourself with a myriad of options from which to–at this point, or later on–by virtue of the higher level of education that you've achieved. Dr. Joe Harmon reminded your Mom and I about how we allow our "expectations" to sometimes trouble us, and should try to adjust them–which you have done. Remember that you are the "accumulation" of all your life experiences, and you are only 32 years into this process…enjoy the journey a little more and stop being so hard on yourself. You are an extremely accomplished human being that many people love, cherish and adore (including myself, of course!) Now, go eat some more Ben & Jerry's!!

  2. Megan
    October 26, 2010 | 6:42 am

    >Oh wow. I have a lot of comments on this topic! I wish I could meet you for coffee- we would have LOTS to share with one another. I feel like this often. "Awash in the everyday of it". It is so true! There are noses to be wiped, diapers to be changed, etc, etc. And it all seems to be the same thing everyday! No romantic 'big' moments. No 'names in light'. And add no sleep and it is a formula for a bad mood. But each night I tuck in two of my biggest blessings and snuggle up to someone who loves me for who I am. Right now. Not for who I will one day be. I can tell from you blog that you have those people in your life too! We just have to trust ourselves more that we ARE doing the 'work of the world'. And that we seriously, seriously, are ENOUGH. You are enough. The way you are right now. Your house is enough (dust included) and your family is enough. I know you know this; just a little reminder.Happy happy 32nd!

  3. thirty and three | Team Rasler
    October 23, 2011 | 10:02 pm

    […] Have I mentioned before how much I love birthdays?  I think I have.  But the last few have been…well… disappointing. […]