>Why I hate Fridays

>I used to love Fridays.

And I still love Friday night.  But Fridays themselves?  HATE them.

By Friday, I have run out of steam.  I am tired of changing diapers, making toddler-friendly meals that get rejected, thinking of new games and songs or answering requests for the same ones for the thousandth time, doing all the work it takes just to get out of the house for a 45-minute outing.  When Friday arrives, I have lost patience, which is one of the worst things that can happen when you spend your day with a toddler.

Fridays are the days when I am sure I have made some kind of horrible mistake in taking leave from my job to stay home full-time.  They are the days when I am convinced that some other qualified person would do a much better job of taking care of Sebastian during the days than I can.  Lately they are also the days when I have the panic-stricken I’m having another one??? thoughts. 

On Fridays I overcommit to other projects in order to break out of the feeling that I am only a Mom, and then spend the rest of the week wondering why on earth I volunteered to teach a computer class at the library, or run the drama club at my school again.  I entertain crazy thoughts of going back to work next fall, before I remember that I’ll have a newborn, and I will be even more exhausted than I am now.

Weekends are wonderful, so when my husband comes in on Friday night, I breathe a sigh of relief and know I will have two days to recharge.  But it’s a long, long 10 hours that I’m alone with my bad temper, doubts, and fatigue.

As I tell Sebastian when I kiss his still-chubby cheeks:  it’s a good thing he’s cute.

5 Responses to >Why I hate Fridays
  1. Nell
    February 5, 2010 | 10:49 am

    >Wonderful expression of what I've felt, too. I am glad that you aren't buying the media image of ALL mothers are happy ALL the time and ALL children are cherubic ALL the time. I dislike superlatives :-p

  2. Megan
    February 5, 2010 | 11:44 am

    >Fridays are rough! Can't blame you for feeling so tired! Ugh! Sometimes the energy just isn't there. I find that I have to have a playdate with another mom/child during those days because I go crazy otherwise! I wonder if that is possible for you? Hang in there! Just a few more hours!!

  3. aunt juwweee
    February 6, 2010 | 2:14 pm

    >I can totally relate to this story which is why I made the "no homework on Friday" rule along time ago! Maybe when we wake up on Friday morning we should tell ourselves that it's Monday and it's going to be a great, energetic day! If you believe in the power of positive thinking, you can have just as much energy on Friday as you do on any other day, right?Have you read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne?Good book!

  4. MommyBrain
    February 6, 2010 | 2:47 pm

    >My Friday came on Thursday this week 😉 I went to bed as soon as CPV walked in the door – not out of exhaustion but just to have the chance to be ALONE, without toddler, without newborn, without anyone needing or asking anything. It helped but I still felt a little grumpy on Friday, especially after pushing the new double stroller – heavy – up to the market and back. A two-hour nap helped with the grumpies, and I actually enjoyed NHV's bedtime last night … imagine that 🙂

  5. Giving myself a break | Team Rasler
    September 5, 2011 | 10:57 pm

    […]  So I don’t need to explain my Monday-aversion, but as to Fridays, well.  You can start here, or if you (like me) are busy, I’ll just sum […]