Category Archives: unasked-for advice

What Not to Say

Someday my friend and I are going to write a book.  We’ve had the title ready for a long time.  It’s going to be called What Not to Say: How to Avoid Being a Well-Meaning Idiot. Now we’re in the data-gathering stage.  You know what the most useful tool has been for collecting it?  Comments…

The miracle

A miracle happened at my house this week.  It isn’t the sort that will bestow sainthood on anyone, but it is just slightly shy of utterly life-changing. It started with this book.  My dear friends sent it to us for Christmas, and wow, do they ever know us.  The book is called Switch: How to…

Cures for the Common Blues

Maybe it’s the end of the day. Or the end of the week. Maybe you, like me, are stuck home with sinuses so stuffed that your head feels suspiciously like a watermelon bobbing around as you try to deal with two small children by yourself. Either way, you know the feeling. You just.can’ The arguing,…