Category Archives: resolutions

The miracle

A miracle happened at my house this week.  It isn’t the sort that will bestow sainthood on anyone, but it is just slightly shy of utterly life-changing. It started with this book.  My dear friends sent it to us for Christmas, and wow, do they ever know us.  The book is called Switch: How to…

One little resolution

Toys.  Books.  Laundry.  Dishes.  Papers.  Shoes.  Hats.  Mittens.  Groceries. Something always needs to be put away. All day long, moment after moment, I am returning something to its rightful place. But more often than not, I am piling something else in the meanwhile.  Something that has no rightful place yet.  Something that needs to be…

33 Day Challenge Update

It turns out that when you challenge yourself to complete thirty nagging tasks in 33 days (on top of all of the regular work and chores and whatnot that you do) and combine it with going to bed at 11:00, there isn’t any time left to blog. I always suspected that blogging was a massive…

thirty and three

Have I mentioned before how much I love birthdays?  I think I have.  But the last few have been…well… disappointing. I spend too much time lately feeling inadequate, like I’m not sure what I’ve really accomplished so far or where I’m going next.  I feel mediocre.  But on my birthday, it is magnified so that…

Promise to a New Mother

My dear friend, Soon, so very soon after eons of waiting, you’ll be bringing your new little one home.  You’ve been a mama in your heart for a long time, but now finally the world will recognize you for it. As my first act of welcoming you to the sisterhood of diapers and drool, I…