Category Archives: I now spend half my life doing chores

Oh, to be a kid again

It’s Monday, which means it’s list-making time again!  I missed last week due to crazy, overwhelming amounts of work.  This week should be a lot somewhat a tiny bit less stressful, so here I am. This week’s theme is 10 Reasons it’s Great to be a Kid, a.k.a. You Think You Have it Tough, Buddy?…

Push Pull

I never thought I’d be a stay-at-home mom.  In classic pre-parenthood style, I was sure I had a good idea of what life with a child would be like, and I knew that I wanted to do more than be a mother.  But I also wanted to be home, so half-time was the obvious solution,…

The miracle

A miracle happened at my house this week.  It isn’t the sort that will bestow sainthood on anyone, but it is just slightly shy of utterly life-changing. It started with this book.  My dear friends sent it to us for Christmas, and wow, do they ever know us.  The book is called Switch: How to…

One little resolution

Toys.  Books.  Laundry.  Dishes.  Papers.  Shoes.  Hats.  Mittens.  Groceries. Something always needs to be put away. All day long, moment after moment, I am returning something to its rightful place. But more often than not, I am piling something else in the meanwhile.  Something that has no rightful place yet.  Something that needs to be…

Where blogging fits in

I try to embrace the philosophy that you always have time for what you do first.  Which is why I haven’t been writing here lately.  Because so many of the things I do for my kids, my husband, my family, friends, my job, and even my cats have to happen first.  I desperately want blogging…