Category Archives: back to school


It was a rough bedtime.  Ignoring directions, shouting, goofing off, whining, protesting, you name it. Finally in exasperation, I asked, “Why aren’t you cooperating more, Sebastian?” He looked right at me and said, “I was cooperating with my teachers ALL DAY, Mama.  I’m tired of it.” Well. At least he’s honest. And I guess if…

Toddler school drop-outs

From toddlerhood through adulthood, most of us have the sense that fairness and equality require sameness. The same number of toys, the same size pieces, and the same schools, of course. Separate but equal is unjust, remember? But in parenthood, equality doesn’t mean giving each child the same. It means giving each child what they…

My title

I’m not very good at being Nobody. Once upon a time, I was Somebody at work. When you are the homeroom teacher, yours is a starring role. Everyone watches to see what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. Meetings are geared toward you. Your mailbox is filled, and so is your inbox. Parents and…

Team Rasler goes to Montessori

It’s hard to send your kids off to school for the first time.  And sending both of them at once?  Excruciating. Also wonderful. Let’s start with hard first, to get it out of the way. First, there is the decision itself.  People here start looking at preschools in January.  That’s right, eight months in advance….

Two months ago

He peered around her shoulder, mouth pouting, then rounding into a perfect O as he began to sob. I turned and rushed out, pausing a block away to quiet my pounding heart. They always cry at first. He’ll be fine. Child-free Target held none of its usual joy. Worry clouded every thought. If this third…