Baby books in progress

I’m on day 3 of my 33-Day Challenge, and so far I’ve done one and a half tasks out of 30.  I began with baby books because (I thought) each of them was about half done and mostly just required me to sit down and focus on it.

That was true of Theo’s, and I finished it yesterday evening and still had time to get to bed before 11.  I started with his because I was pretty sure that I had Sebastian’s mostly done, and I have this complex about not wanting him to feel like he gets less because he is the second child.  So I had a great time looking back through my pictures, choosing one for each page of this adorable book my mom got me for Christmas last year for him, and filling out the very short, doable sections.   I picked up the photos at Target, cut them out, rounded off corners (cuz that’s how I roll), and taped them in.  Project complete.

fabulous baby book

{Side note: this really is an incredibly good book that totally understands that you are a busy parent and only have time to write two sentences a month.  I like smart books.  No one paid me to tell you how great this book is, nor gave me a free copy, but I wouldn’t complain if they did!}

Anyway, this morning, I pulled out Sebastian’s, expecting to just see a few pages here or there that weren’t done from a cute milestone book a friend got me way back when.  Except… it was empty.  GASP!  Empty?  Well, some pictures were shoved into the back, but nothing was cut, rounded, taped, or written.

I thought about getting him a copy of the book Theo has, ordering the pictures, and doing the whole thing, but I decided not to, for two reasons.  1.  I wanted to get it done today and I couldn’t get out to Target tonight after work.  2.  I thought that I could do the whole thing faster on Shutterfly and have the book printed.

So much for not giving the second kid the shaft, eh?

Alas, Shutterfly hates me tonight and won’t let me finish the book.  It was moving like molasses and then it crashed, so I’m giving in because I’ve decided that my resolution to get enough sleep is more important than completing nagging tasks.

However, it also means that I’m not replying to any comments or visiting any other blogs, even though I do indeed love you all.  I am just SO tired of being sick that I have to go to bed.  I know you understand.

I’ll be back tomorrow.

2 Responses to Baby books in progress
  1. Gramma
    October 26, 2011 | 9:10 pm

    I don’t quite have yours done, either. Want to work on them together?

  2. Toddler school drop-outs | Team Rasler
    November 10, 2011 | 1:55 pm

    […] over and over again I’ve worried about making decisions that would make Theo feel like he was getting less than […]